The full post can be found on the CMS/W website here:

“Several faculty members in CMS/W have expertise, both technological and pedagogical, in what the use of ChatGPT and other A.I. tools may mean for the instruction of academic writing. Because instructors at MIT and elsewhere have expressed some urgency in better understanding what the effects and ethics of ChatGPT may be, two pairs of our faculty have provided an advisory memo and a response.

It should be noted that with tools like ChatGPT being both so new and so quickly evolving, these pieces are the faculty’s take and don’t yet represent official guidance from CMS/W or MIT.

First is an excerpt from “Advice Concerning the Increase in AI-Assisted Writing”, a memo from Edward Schiappa, Professor of Rhetoric, and Nick Montfort, Professor of Digital Media. The full document is available at Montfort’s website.

And next is a response co-authored by Professor Eric Klopfer, head of CMS/W and Literature and director of the Scheller Teacher Education Program, and Associate Professor Justin Reich, director of the Teaching Systems Lab.”






Categories: Announcements